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March 2020 Right-Wing Headlines About the Coronavirus Pandemic

Taken from the Pages of TheRighting

We’ve compiled a list of all the coronavirus-related headlines that we aggregated in March 2020 from scanning dozens of conservative websites every morning. It’s all in one extremely long page to give readers a sense of the tidal wave of misinformation being peddled by the right. The headlines are in chronological order beginning with March 2 and ending on March 31. Think of this list as a one giant monument to misinformation. Let’s hope the monument doesn’t turn into our tombstone.

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Iranian Pilgrims Taunt Coronavirus with Communal Licking of Religious Shrines Despite Outbreak


A video posted to twitter shows three people, including one who appears to be a child, licking the glass coverings and metal grilles at religious shrines in Qom and Mashhad.


The Government Has Been Flying Blind in Its Coronavirus Response

American Conservative

The government was ill-prepared for this outbreak and then frittered away what time they had to get ready.


The Coronavirus Will Pass

American Thinker

The stock markets will rise. The current state of fear will subside. But Bernie Sanders and the communist virus are now front and center, and President Trump has one hell of a story to tell the American people. It’s a powerful story. It will be a powerful punch. And they’ll still never see it coming. Just watch.


Dr. Drew Pinsky Debunks the Fake Coronavirus News

Rush Limbaugh

He’s not a conformist. He goes against the grain, goes against conventional wisdom unabashedly and he did on the coronavirus.


Coronavirus Crisis Shows Members of the Left Are the Kings and Queens of Catastrophe

Fox News

Facts and the science don’t matter to the left. They need catastrophe for their twin obsessions – growing the government and hating Trump.



A Border Wall Will Help Contain the Coronavirus

The Federalist

If the coronavirus begins to spread in Mexico, we’re going to wish we had secured the border. Suggesting we do so isn’t racist, it’s realistic.


Presidential Leadership on Display with Coronavirus

Daily Caller

The Democrats need to stop backseat driving. The President is the one who’s supposed to handle emergencies, and President Trump has got the coronavirus situation completely under control.


Coronavirus Panic Reaches Russia Collusion Hoax Level

Rush Limbaugh

It has now equaled the same level of irresponsibility that they had achieved during the Russia collusion hoax and whatever Trump supposedly did on the phone call to Zelensky.


Trump Administration Has Won the First Round Against Coronavirus

American Greatness

Conrad Black: So far, Trump has done better with a strong show of awareness and readiness than the Democrats have with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s asinine allegations of “towering and dangerous incompetence,” and the fatuities about Trump being “anti-science,” and only interested in Wall Street.


Coronavirus Has a Silver Lining

Power Line

It has exposed the frailty of the Communist Chinese regime, which reportedly is now sending some of the one million Uyghurs they have been holding in concentration camps to factories that have been vacated on account of the virus. No doubt Tom Friedman and other Democratic advocates for the Communist regime will hail this as one more sign of the superiority of autocratic states.


Coronavirus: We Go from Hysteria to Hysteria


The world economy is likely to enter a recession, if not a depression. Unless the coronavirus becomes a worldwide mass killer, it will be fair to say that the hysteria over coronavirus will cause much more suffering than the virus.



Hungary Seals Border, Warns Migrant Invasion Could Bring Coronavirus


Hungary has sealed its southern border, warning that many of the migrants currently attempting to break into Greece have traveled through Iran, which is in the midst of an explosive coronavirus outbreak.


The Fed Has Plenty of Ammunition Left for Coronavirus


It’s true that the Fed cannot stop the coronavirus from harming the supply side of the economy. It can’t rescue the travel industry or make up for lost work days. What it can do is prevent a supply-side hit from generating an additional demand-side one.


Coronavirus Response Has Been Robust

Daily Signal

The Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus outbreak thus far has been robust as the disease that originated in Wuhan, China, spreads across the world. Through a combination of travel restrictions, quarantines, and keeping the public informed on the best public hygiene practices, the administration has focused on slowing the entry of the disease into the United States and then containing it.


Coronavirus: A Pandemic of Stupidity Overtakes America

Community Digital News

It’s a well-known phenomenon that hurricanes make people hungry for omelets and cause diarrhea; before a major storm makes landfall, supermarkets sell out of eggs, milk and toilet paper. It seems that people fear that coronavirus will do the same thing.


Hillary Repeats Lie That Trump Called Coronavirus a Hoax


Hillary Clinton went on national TV Wednesday and twice claimed that President Trump has called the coronavirus outbreak a “hoax,” a completely debunked lie.


There Will Be a Coronavirus-Induced Downturn — and Recovery

American Thinker

In this election year, the MSM and every leftist and anti-Trumper on the planet will be looking for ways to pin the coronavirus downturn on President Trump.



Coronavirus Codswallop

American Thinker

The actual statistics clearly demonstrate that the coronavirus panic should be taken with a grain of salt.


Coronavirus Is Going to Hit Its Peak and Fall Sooner Than You Think

NY Post

The spread of the virus continues to slow.


Media Fuels Coronavirus Panic to Damage Trump

American Greatness

The media is in overdrive fueling panic, freaking out Americans so they buy rice and toilet paper and of course blaming Trump for the disease.


Don’t Panic About Coronavirus Otherwise the Poorest Americans Will Suffer

Fox News

These people canceling South by Southwest…are not going to suffer. The people who will be really hurt are the workers in the hotels, the bars, the food trucks. Who’s going to take care of them while the tech workers lounge around at home, ordering Uber Eats on their stupid iPhones?


Is the Opposition Media Cheering Coronavirus On?


The “Chicken Little” tone of the coronavirus coverage is enough to make us wonder if this coverage is just a different approach to the “news” media’s obsession with getting rid of Trump.


After CPAC, We’re All Gonna Die (LOL)

PJ Media

People get sick at CPAC every year. It’s called the “CPAC Plague.” Ten thousand people milling about in recycled air for four days isn’t the healthiest environment. It was inevitable that the virus du jour would make a successful appearance at the event.


Coronavirus Is Also a Border Security Issue

Washington Examiner

Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX): The pro-open borders crowd in Congress and America’s wealthiest zip codes are quick to point out that there is no verified transmission of the COVID-19 virus as of yet at our border. They are less likely to tell you that more than 1,100 Chinese nationals were apprehended at our northern and southern borders last year, or that it is not unlikely that people from other countries afflicted by the virus are illegally slipping through our border today.


Why Dems and Media Are Backing Off on Blaming Trump for Coronavirus

Rush Limbaugh

They’re backing off of it because it’s not becoming the pandemic in this country that they were all expecting.


Dems, Mainstream Media Are Weaponizing Coronavirus

Todd Starnes

It’s possible that what we are actually dealing with is not so much an apocalyptic plague, as much as it is a political plague. America is reeling from a massive outbreak of Trump Derangement Syndrome.


TUESDAY, March 10, 2020

The Coronavirus Will Get Worse and Our Leaders Need to Stop Lying About That

Fox News

Tucker Carlson: People you trust, people you probably voted for, have spent weeks minimizing what is clearly a very serious problem….The effects of coronavirus will be far more disruptive than they are right now. That is not a guess; it is inevitable no matter what they’re telling you.


Singapore and South Korea Numbers Suggest Coronavirus Can Be Controlled


Numbers out of Singapore, South Korea and even China which show cases leveling off and declining suggest that coronavirus can be controlled without millions of people in the west becoming infected. Despite widespread panic buying and a financial market collapse, figures from these three countries suggest COVID-19 can be successfully combated if the right measures are taken.


The Coronavirus Stats Are Fake News

CNS News

The WHO’s alleged 3.4 percent mortality rate is nothing more than sensationalist nonsense.


83% of Coronavirus-Affected Countries Have Death Rates of Infected Persons of Less Than 1%

The Gateway Pundit

According to the most recent data at Worldometer tracking website, the coronavirus mortality rates for individuals catching the virus are declining at a rate closer to the numbers we expect to see in a typical flu virus as the denominator continues to increase on a global scale.


Ghoulish Media and Dems Wish for Wuhan Casualties

American Greatness

Liz Shields: The Democrats and the media but I repeat myself are wishing so hard for the racistly-named (LOL) WuhanFlu to kill Americans so they can seize control of the government in November. So much cluck, cluck, clucking and no plan. What is your plan, Debbie Downers? How would you have handled the introduction of a Chinese pathogen into America differently than the Bad Orange Man?


Market Plunges Over Oil, Not Coronavirus

Rush Limbaugh

The Drive-By Media is back to weaponizing the coronavirus against the Trump administration, once again claiming this could provide an opening for the Democrats, which continues to just outrage me.


The Media Tries to Foist a “Katrina Moment” on Trump

PJ Media

The “Katrina moment” never quite stuck to any number of President Obama’s missteps from Benghazi to the H1N1 outbreak. That’s what a fawning press will do for a president. Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, the media has been waiting for President Trump to do or say something in order to pin the Hurricane Katrina label on him.


Trump Has Met His Hurricane Katrina, Media Declare for the Umpteenth Time

Washington Examiner

For nearly every mishap that has happened since Trump’s inauguration in January 2017, there has been someone in the news media to declare it his Katrina.


It’s Not Racist to Call It the “Wuhan Virus”

NY Post

The coronavirus outbreak is the first pandemic of the woke era, and as such, it isn’t surprising that there is a fierce debate over how to refer to it without offending against social justice.


Trump-Bashing Takes Up Majority of CNN’s Coronavirus Coverage


During national emergencies such as natural disasters or outbreaks of disease, the news media can serve as a valuable source of information for the public. Yet when it came to their coverage of the coronavirus on Thursday, CNN largely put their Trump-bashing agenda ahead of that important role.



CDC Is the Centers for Damaged Credibility


The U.S. Centers for Disease Control is a bloated federal government agency with a long history of incompetence, fraud, secrecy, mission creep and shady alliances with both social justice causes on the left and private corporations on the big business right…And, yes, many of the scientists who work there are rabidly anti-conservative and anti-Trump.


Coronavirus: “Heck of a Job, Trumpy”

American Conservative

What a disgraceful boob…There is something worse than having a Democratic president appoint judges for four years, and that’s having a man-child in charge of the federal government during a national crisis unprecedented in living memory. The unseriousness of this man, in this time, is utterly infuriating, and demoralizing.


Media Coronavirus Hysteria Stokes Public Panic

The Federalist

Not only is it clear that corporate media can’t be trusted to provide accurate information about an issue of public concern, it’s clear they don’t care about public health or the economy.


Islamic Scholar Who Said Coronavirus Was Allah’s Punishment Gets Coronavirus


An Islamic scholar who said the coronavirus was “Allah’s punishment” for China’s treatment of Muslims now has coronavirus. How ironic. Last month, Hadi Al-Modarresi, who is based in Iran, said that the coronavirus outbreak was “undoubtedly an act of Allah that is divine punishment against the Chinese for their treatment, mockery, and disrespect towards Muslims and Islam.”


Trump Should Avoid Nodding to Politics on Coronavirus


Conrad Black: In the United States, the antics of the Democratic politicians and media grasping at straws more desperately than ever to try to prevent the long-unthinkable reelection of the president, have exacerbated the problem. So, unfortunately, has the president’s effort to minimize the problem, an impossible task given the uncertain extent of the danger and the fear-mongering of the president’s enemies.


THURSDAY, March 12

Trump Passes Coronavirus Test with Flying Colors

NY Post

Big and bold, optimistic and compassionate. President Trump’s Oval Office address was exactly what America needed to hear This is what it looks like when a president rises up to meet a crisis head-on.


What If Coronavirus Had Been More Serious?

American Greatness

As alarmism and panic grow, whipped up in part by those hoping to damage the president in an election year, the virus—though certainly serious—appears much less likely to be as devastating as people thought it might be.


Trump Strikes the Right Tone

National Review

This speech was a marked, welcome improvement in the president’s rhetoric, but that won’t matter if he goes out and undercuts it tomorrow.


Coronavirus: The Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself

Daily Caller

This is the quickest-spreading and most troubling viral situation coming from Asia since the Gangnam Style dance. And like that fad, this one will eventually fade.


A Biothreat from China Is Accomplishing All the Goals of Trump’s Enemies

Rush Limbaugh

There just is a gigantic cloud of suspicion hanging over all of this, as far as I’m concerned…Do you think Andrew Cuomo knows what’s best for you?


Liberal Groups Call for Jailbreak to Fight Coronavirus

Washington Free Beacon

Multiple left-leaning organizations have called for governments to respond to the outbreak of the Wuhan coronavirus by mass releasing prisoners, reducing arrests, and limiting immigration enforcement. The proposals from major criminal justice reform groups, in particular, push preexisting policy goals as a solution to the impending epidemic.


Trump Coronavirus Response Protects America

Fox News

Showing strong and effective leadership when we need it most, President Trump addressed the nation Wednesday night and unveiled a two-pronged program of health and economic actions to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.


Trump’s Strategy to Contain Coronavirus Is Extreme But Necessary

Washington Examiner

President Trump’s strategy to contain the coronavirus and prevent its continued spread is exactly what the country needs.


Coronavirus Hysteria

The Gateway Pundit

The liberal governors who run Washington and Oregon passed rulings this week that it is unlawful for any gather of 250 people or more to take place. Besides being a questionable infringement on 1st Amendment rights, it remains unclear how exactly this new executive order will be enforced.


China Is Bouncing Back from Coronavirus

Power Line

There is little doubt that China is rebounding faster than one would have predicted a few weeks ago. This is good news for the American economy and bad news for those Democrats hoping for a recession that will enable them to regain the White House.


Is Governor Cuomo Trampling on Civil Liberties in New Rochelle to Fight Coronavirus?

PJ Media

Asking private schools and houses of worship to close amid an epidemic is eminently logical, but can the government really force them to close? What happens if Christians, Muslims, or Jews in New Rochelle just really want to gather in their houses of worship to


Dear Diary…Trump’s Coronavirus Plan Is Xenophobic…Signed, Jim Acosta

American Thinker

President Trump unveiled a powerful strategy to defend America from the coronavirus in last night’s speech, with a realistic plan of action that’s certain to save lives.It was spare and credible…But then there was CNN’s Jim Acosta, the self-regarding, pious, self-pitying, pompous chief White House correspondent, complaining that the whole thing was … xenophobic.


Media Scorched for Distorting Coronavirus Threat


The national news media are being hammered for distorting information about the coronavirus threat with Rush Limbaugh blasting them as a “dishonest bunch of SOBs.”


What the Coronavirus Should Teach Us

Daily Signal

Ben Shapiro: The Trump administration’s response has been about as strong as prior federal attempts to deal with public epidemics, ranging from SARS to swine flu.



Dems Pushed Impeachment While Coronavirus Spread


We now know the cost of impeachment. While Democrats were diverting the attention and energy of the entire country into a pointless trial that could not possibly have ended in anything other than President Donald Trump’s acquittal, the coronavirus pandemic was beginning in China and arriving in the United States.


Instead of Bracing for Coronavirus, Dems Focused on Impeachment

American Greatness

Now all of us are paying the price for the Democrats’ shortsighted and destructive campaign against the president.


Remember the Swine Flu Panic of 2009? No, of Course You Don’t

Rush Limbaugh

The numbers with the coronavirus are not even close. They are barely a fraction of a percentage compared to the swine flu.


Leftists Ecstatic That Trump Could Have Coronavirus


“Fingers crossed” and “prayer” memes as fanatics hope Trump and Pence will die so Pelosi will become President.


Biden’s “Plan” for Dealing with Wuhan Virus Was Mostly Plagiarized 


If you strip out the policy preferences, Biden does nothing more than plagiarize what the Trump administration has already accomplished. Not what they still have to do but what they have already done.


Coronavirus Achieves a Longtime Dem Goal

American Spectator

Trump is finally canceling the campaign rallies they fear and loathe.


Will the Media Be Responsible with Coronavirus Coverage?


The death rate may be significantly lower than the huge 3.4% number reported by the World Health Organization. This was the point Trump was raising. All this is known and discussed by scientists, but people don’t understand it because the media don’t explain it clearly.


Attacking Trump Coronavirus Response Hurt Economy. They Shouldn’t Politicize Crisis

Fox News

Americans will recoil from the ugly blame game Democrats are playing.


NY Times’ Wishful Thinking: Coronavirus Could Damage Trump Reelection Chances


As much as newspapers insist they merely “report,” they write up a lot of wishful thinking about how the Republicans are sure to lose in the fall. Such was the case with New York Times reporters Maggie Haberman and Jonathan Martin aerobically rubbing a crystal ball on Thursday in “Trump’s Re-election Chances Suddenly Look Shakier.”


The Great Coronavirus War Is Upon Us

Daily Signal

If we stay calm and rational, we can easily defeat the enemy, whose reputation is likely far scarier than its reality.


Qualifying How Well the Trump Administration Is Doing on Coronavirus


It isn’t clear how much of the lower U.S. rate can be attributed to the Trump administration’s quick actions and bucking of WHO recommendations regarding travel, but our overall policy seems to be working relatively well. Our infection and death rates seem to be much lower than those of most other large, similar countries.


Dems Cite Wuhan Virus to Push Longstanding Policy Priorities

Washington Free Beacon

Legislation introduced by House and Senate Democrats has snuck in universal, employer-funded sick leave alongside temporary emergency measures, potentially shuttering employers and serving as a poison pill to slow congressional negotiations.


How the Wuhan Virus Is Accomplishing the Green New Deal’s Goals

The Federalist

Coronavirus is a glimpse of the long-term pain a Green New Deal and environmental radicalism would inflict on America. And besides, grandma would die eventually anyway.


Dems’ Hypocrisy on Coronavirus Stinks to High Heavens

American Thinker

The barely sentient Joe Biden is actually using the virus to solicit donations to his pathetic campaign. Pelosi and her crowd are trying to get every wild spending program they can into the bill that should only be dealing with the ramifications of the virus.


Professor Wonders If Trump’s Handling of Coronavirus Is Putin’s Work

Campus Reform

An American history professor at Boston College suggested that Trump’s response to coronavirus is an attempt to purposely harm America’s economy. She suggests that Trump is doing so as a favor to Vladamir Putin.



Western Media Parroting Chinese Communist Party Propaganda About Coronavirus

Washington Examiner

The truth is that China did absolutely everything wrong. One can only wonder what is motivating the Western journalists who pretend the contrary is true.


Trump’s Coronavirus National Emergency Declaration Helps Mobilize Nation

Fox News

President Trump’s declaration of a national emergency Friday to deal with the coronavirus pandemic is anything but a sign to panic. Instead, it’s a reassurance to the American people.


Our Enemies Must Be Watching in Stunned Belief About How Easy This Has Been

Rush Limbaugh

We’ve got 40 deaths, nobody under 50 has died, and 77% of the deaths are in one state and one nursing home. Major League Baseball has shut down. The Masters golf tournament has shut down. The NHL has shut down. The NBA has shut down. My charity golf tournament on Monday has shut down, and everything else is gonna be shut down. It just doesn’t make any sense.



AOC Spreads Disinformation to Push Socialism and Coronavirus Panic

Washington Examiner

Never let a good crisis go to waste, right? That’s apparently the philosophy of socialist upstart Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The New York Democrat is one of many who’ve sadly decided to politicize the coronavirus crisis to push their political agenda. But even worse, the congresswoman is spreading disinformation to do it.


Can Science Lead to Dumb Panic?


Debra Saunders: I’ve seen people say that we have to listen to the science, but then they speculate about how bad a worst-case scenario can get. They encourage people to shut down, as if following the CDC guidelines aren’t enough, even for healthy people. A lot of people are going to lose their wages, their livelihoods and their homes because business leaders have overreacted.



Did China Panic the World and Steal Our Wealth with a Common Cold?

American Thinker

Amid the panic, China is profiting as it buys up stocks at bargain-basement prices. Instead of engineering a pandemic, did China engineer pandemonium?


The Wuhan Virus Escaped from a Chinese Lab

American Thinker

This isn’t the first made-in-China virus Beijing has sprung on the world, and it won’t be the last.


Coronavirus Fatality Rate Reported by the Media Is Completely Inaccurate

The Gateway Pundit

The current estimate for the fatality rates on the coronavirus just don’t add up. The estimates based on current data are completely inaccurate. Current data shows that this virus is much less deadly that even the common flu from the 2019-2020 season.


Arrogant CNN Hosts Repeatedly Lie, Insist Trump Dubbed Coronavirus a Hoax


In a horrendous lie on CNN first flagged by the Trump campaign, CNN hosts Ana Cabrera and Boris Sanchez displayed gross arrogance, immaturity, and snarkiness in repeatedly lying by telling viewers on Saturday and Sunday that President Trump initially chalked up the coronavirus to having been “a hoax.”


Old Timers Struggle to Keep Epidemics Straight

Power Line

Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders debated last night on CNN. The opening topic was, of course, the Wuhan coronavirus.


Biden’s Scary Coronavirus Advisors

American Spectator

A motley collection of rationing advocates, ideologues, and Obama administration retreads.


Biden Gets Virus Name Wrong at Debate

Washington Free Beacon

Joe Biden misstated the name of the H1N1 “swine flu” virus during last night’s Dem debate calling it “N1H1.”


Biden Starts Coronavirus-Centered Debate with a Cough

Daily Caller

Asked what he would say to Americans “who are confronting this new reality,” Biden responded by saying, “First of all, my heart goes out to those,” and coughed before continuing, “who have already lost someone or those sufferingfrom the virus.”


Illegal Aliens with Coronavirus Will Not Be Deported from US


Former Vice President Joe Biden (D) said during CNN’s Democrat debate that he will not deport any illegal aliens who test positive for the coronavirus…As Breitbart News reported, nearly 151,000 border crossers and illegal aliens have been apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border since October 2019 from 72 coronavirus-affected countries.


Mexico Is Dangerously Unprepared for the Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak

The Federalist

Then there is the border, where sprawling migrant camps housing thousands of people have sprung up in recent months along the south side of the Rio Grande. One such camp across from Brownsville, TX, is housing an estimated 3,000 people. The concern is that US volunteers, who bring food and other supplies into the camp daily, will introduce the virus and cause an outbreak.


Why Conservatives Aren’t Overtly Panicking About Coronavirus


The Right is more generally trying to hold fast to notions about how people ought to behave at a moment of crisis and personal peril that are anathematic to the political and social culture of the present day. In short, they feel that the panic is unmanly.


Midwest Mayor Grants Herself Power to Ban Guns During Coronavirus Pandemic


Champaign, IL, mayor Deborah Frank Feinen signed an executive order giving herself the power to order the seizure of firearms, ammunition, alcohol and gasoline during the coronavirus pandemic. The executive order also enables the government to “take possession of private property” and cut off an individual’s access to gas, water or electricity.


Bette Midler Falsely Suggests Trump Has Coronavirus


Actress and singer Bette Midler took to social media over the weekend to spread a false conspiracy theory that President Donald Trump has coronavirus. Midler suggested on Twitter that Trump is lying about his health after the White House announced that he had tested negative for coronavirus.


Chinese Coronavirus Pandemic Demonstrates Who Are the Idiots


Turns out the Chinese and their slave labor fake capitalism were just too attractive to our globalist betters, who decided that it would be super-smart to outsource all sorts of necessary stuff to a committed enemy of the United States. But then, at heart, the lickspittle Wall Street types and the Bain Brigades starring the likes of Mitt Romney don’t truly believe that America still exists in a Westphalian nation-state paradigm.


The Results Are in! Trump Does Not Have Coronavirus

Todd Starnes

I sincerely doubt the White House Press Corps will be pleased with this latest development.


Coronavirus: “I’m Betting on America. Are You?”


Wayne Allan Root: The CDC reports that this virus could kill up to 1.7 million Americans. Are you aware this same government agency projected Ebola could infect over 1 million in Africa? It wound up affecting under 30,000. Why are we letting government bureaucrats scare us to death?


TUESDAY, March 17

Dem Politicians Exploiting Coronavirus Fears to Close Businesses

Community Digital News

Republicans need to be diligent that Democrats are not using the CoronaVirus panic to create precedents that could be used against Americans in the future, including but not limited to: All oil and coal companies must be shut down because climate change is a national emergency and oil and coal companies cause it (it isn’t, they don’t).


Can Trump Use Coronavirus to Delay 2020 Election?

Fox News

Under our Constitution, the executive branch has no authority whatsoever to delay, reschedule or otherwise change the federal election in November, much less any of the remaining state primaries. On the other hand, Congress and the states do have that authority.


How Coronavirus Will Strengthen Trump’s 2020 Campaign

American Thinker

In the final analysis, the coronavirus crisis will turn out to be a gigantic boost to Trump’s campaign in ways that could never have been foreseen.


Covid-19 Closures Expose Insidious Effects of Michelle Obama’s School Lunch Program

American Greatness

Reexamining the community eligibility program, which has created a middle-class entitlement program while teaching kids all the wrong lessons, should be on the administration’s to-do list. Its deep reach is just one more flawed government approach now exposed by the current public health threat.


Why America Needs Baseball to Begin Now More Than Ever


A return of baseball would demonstrate some return to normalcy, serving the critical role of calming the public and the markets.


Remember That the Coronavirus Was “Made in China”

CNS News

Steve Mosher: I can’t believe how many people in the media and in politics are covering up for China. Astonishingly, they even call it “racist” to note that the coronavirus came from there.


Why the Remedy May Be Worse Than the Disease

We can only be certain that shutting down virtually every part of society will result in a large number of people economically ruined, life savings depleted, decades of work building a restaurant or some other small business destroyed. As if that were not bad enough, the ancillary effects would include increased depression and divorce and other personal tragedies.


Mike Pence Is Coming Into His Own


During the recent coronavirus White House briefings, you see that the grownups are in charge and Pence is the man leading them. True, the president is CBO to his CEO. But Trump gave the mission to Pence for a reason. That presidential decision is paying off.


Liberals Are Content to Watch It All Burn


They don’t like the guy running it. The damage to people doesn’t matter, even a body count won’t matter to these people. They have an objective, and they aren’t going to let little things like the truth or even basic human decency stand in their way of obtaining it.


CNN Spreads Fake Rumors That US Is Shutting Down Over Coronavirus

Todd Starnes

Jim Sciutto, a reporter at the network, tweeted Monday that there are current discussions “within the Trump administration to encourage a possible “curfew” across the nation in which non-essential businesses would have to close by a certain time each night.” Katie Miller, Vice President Mike Pence’s press secretary, responded to Sciutto’s tweet and wrote that it “is not correct.”


We Should All Pay Far Closer Attention to “Emergency Declarations”

Daily Caller

The unquestioning manner by which people simply accept measures undertaken in the name of an “emergency” that directly and significantly undermine other, constitutionally guaranteed rights is unsettling.


Trump’s Response to Coronavirus Not the Work of a Dictator

National Review

He’s leading a characteristically American response to crisis: early fumbling followed by massive public and private mobilization.


Administration Officials Praise Trump and That Sends Media Over the Edge

Washington Examiner

Even during a pandemic, it’s supremely difficult to take the national media seriously as they niggle over something so small as how administration officials (doctors and health experts) perform for them during press briefings.


States Governing Themselves Over Coronavirus Is a Good Thing

The Federalist

No, the federal government shouldn’t ‘take over the supply chain’ for medical equipment, and yes, states can in fact govern themselves.


As Trump Warns Americans, ABC Keeps Trying for Cheap Points


Senior White House correspondent Cecilia Vega began the video portion of her report by chiding: “Despite widespread delays over testing and repeated mixed messages from his administration today, President Trump gave himself high marks.” That was followed up with a soundbite of Trump at the presser giving himself a 10.


There’s Nothing Less Conservative Than a Pandemic

American Conservative

As Camus foresaw, we don’t like having our habits radically disrupted, even if it’s ultimately the right thing to do.


The Nonpartisan Guide to Surviving the Wuhan Bat Plague (Parody)

Washington Free Beacon

In this time of international crisis caused by China, it is imperative for all human beings, especially the American ones, to set aside petty grievances and partisan affiliations. A global pandemic—the Wuhan bat plague or Neocoronavirus—is upon us.



Most of Us Will Be Fine

The Federalist

Mounting evidence suggests that if you don’t smoke or aren’t 70 or older or have underlying health conditions, you’ll be fine—although you can spread it to other, more vulnerable people.


China’s Post-Virus Plan to Destroy America’s Economy

American Greatness

The “respected voices” calling for America to lift the tariffs on China are simply swallowing Beijing’s sophisticated propaganda. China means to use this crisis to destroy us.


Trump Is Getting Coronavirus Under Control….


But the media aren’t helping.


Trump’s 43 Virus Moves Aims for South Korea’s 99.3% Recovery Rate

Washington Examiner

The Trump administration’s speeded-up war on the coronavirus, 43 moves so far, is aimed at reaching the highest recovery rate possible and even matching that of South Korea. U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams today set the Asian nation as a model the administration is aiming for, versus the disaster unfolding in Italy.


Don’t Let Dems Off the Hook for Coronavirus

Daily Caller

From the very beginning, the left has treated the coronavirus as an opportunity to score political points. When the White House implemented an early ban on travelers from China, some liberals accused the President of being racist and xenophobic, subordinating concerns about Americans’ health and safety to their normal social justice priorities.


Head of WHO Severely Overstated the Fatality Rate of Coronavirus Leading to Greatest Panic in History

The Gateway Pundit

The controversial Ethiopian politician and Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, claimed in a press conference in early March that the fatality rate for the coronavirus was many multiples that of the fatality rate of the common flu. This egregiously false premise has led to the greatest panic in world history.


Media, Dems Ran with False Claim That Trump “Disbanded” Pandemic Office

Washington Free Beacon

The official who once ran the White House pandemic program dismissed a false Democratic talking point that Trump eliminated the pandemic-response team and criticized reporters for parroting the claim in news stories. “No, the White House didn’t ‘dissolve’ its pandemic response office. I was there,” wrote former National Security Council adviser Tim Morrison for the Washington Post on Monday.


Coronavirus Requires US to Adopt New Policy to Deport Illegal Immigrants

Fox News

An emergency proposal to protect the American people from the coronavirus by quickly sending illegal immigrants and asylum seekers who cross our southern border back to Mexico should be approved as a short-term response to the pandemic.


M.I.T. Scientist Warns That Deep State Using Coronavirus Fear-Mongering to Suppress Dissent

Western Journal

Shiva Ayyadurai said on Twitter that “fear-mongering” over the outbreak is being used to push an agenda. “As an MIT PhD in Biological Engineering who studies & does research nearly every day on the Immune System, the #coronavirus fear mongering by the Deep State will go down in history as one of the biggest fraud to manipulate economies, suppress dissent, & push MANDATED Medicine!” he said.


Migrants at German Refugee Camp Riot and Display ISIS Flags After Quarantine


After a migrant tested positive for coronavirus at the facility in Suhl, Thuringia, a quarantine was ordered for the other 533 residents and the camp was sealed off.


Debra Massing Says Many MAGA Voters Will Die Because Trump Lies


While the world is in the grip of the deadly coronavirus left-wing actress Debra Messing promoted a deceptively edited video claiming President Donald Trump called the coronavirus a “hoax” and asked if the supporters of the president, she says will die from the virus, realize now that he needs to be removed from office.


Israel Joins Totalitarian States Using Coronavirus to Spy on Citizens

American Conservative

Is the U.S. next?


Can America’s Public Health Elite Survive the Boomer Flu?

American Thinker

The incompetent and ineffectual policies for the Boomer Flu, advocated by the public health elite, suggest these folks will soon share the fate of the media elite and public policy elite: becoming the butt of jokes by late-night comics. If this happens, America will be worse for it.


Big Government Has Hurt Our Ability to Deal with This Crisis

National Review

Before we swing too far from “government shouldn’t do anything” to “government should do everything,” it is worth taking stock of all the ways in which big government has contributed to making this outbreak worse.



US Doomsday Numbers Just Don’t Add Up

Washington Times

President Trump has taken swift action to cut off the influx of foreigners from countries teeming with infection and on Monday laid out stringent new guidelines to halt the upward curve. Americans appear to be taking the directives seriously, So, time will tell if it all works. But 150 million infected? A million dead? Right now, those numbers just don’t seem to add up.


Is COVID-19 a Crisis Worth Destroying the American and Global Economies?

Community Digital News

Democrats want to see working-class people struggling because they know that Americans vote with their pocketbooks. Consequences be damned. The Covid-19 crisis is the best thing that could have happened for Democrats.


How Long Will Americans Tolerate Corona-Madness?

American Thinker

Democrats and fake news media are 100% committed to destroying Trump, their greatest nemesis. Collapsing the U.S. economy and even the loss of American lives is acceptable collateral damage in their quest for power to control every aspect of our lives.


Coronavirus Fear Lets Government Assault Our Freedom in Violation of Constitution

Fox News

The fulfillment of totalitarian impulses has put more than 1 million folks out of work, closed thousands of businesses and impaired the fundamental rights of tens of millions of persons – all in violation of numerous sections of the Constitution.


Dems Would Not Have Saved Lives Banning Travel Like Trump Did

The Federalist

There is no way a President Biden or Sanders would have gone against the academic models’ conclusion to leave open travel from China — but Trump did, and saved countless lives in doing so.


Rich Socialist Restaurateur Lays Off Hundreds Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

Washington Free Beacon

A socialism-themed restaurant chain in Washington, D.C., run by a multimillionaire former mayoral candidate laid off hundreds of staffers this week due to the city’s coronavirus restrictions, according to reports. Andy Shallal said he was forced to let go hundreds of waiters and other employees at Busboys and Poets, his chain of six restaurants and bookstores across the city.


Biden’s Unpresidential Coronavirus Rhetoric

American Spectator

His public statements and campaign ads have been exploitative and dishonest.


Cheap TVs, Expensive Flu

Ann Coulter

We ought to surround old folks homes with the National Guard and call it a day. It would probably save more lives and wouldn’t destroy the economy. But there’s no time to think about saving lives. The important thing is to stamp out the idea that a virus that originated in China has anything to do with China.


Chinese Regime’s Responsibility for Coronavirus Pandemic


Biden and other American liberals refuse to mention that China’s communist government is singularly responsible for the coronavirus pandemic. Chinese officials punished and silenced doctors who identified the virus in December and tried to warn about the seriousness of the disease.


2060 Chinese Nationals Apprehended at US-Mexico Border in Fiscal 2019

CNS News

Clearly, people from China seeking to become “not lawfully” present in the United States are more likely to come here through Mexico than through Canada or by sea.


Here’s the Right Name to Call the Virus Sweeping the Globe

The Epoch Times

The Epoch Times suggests the CCP virus (Chinese Communist Party) and calls upon others to join us in adopting this name. The name holds the CCP accountable for its wanton disregard of human life and consequent spawning of a pandemic that has put untold numbers in countries around the world at risk, while creating widespread fear and devastating the economies of nations trying to cope with this disease.


Pathetic Stephen Colbert Reduced to Sitting in His Backyard, Criticizing Trump

The Gateway Pundit

Due to the pandemic, Colbert is doing monologues in his backyard with no audience. It’s amazing how much less funny he is without his audience of trained seals clapping along.


Coronavirus Will Fade, But the Threat of Socialism Will Remain

Washington Examiner

In due time, the coronavirus will pass, and life in the U.S. will return to normal. In due time, we will also return to the debate about central planning versus free enterprise, government control versus personal liberty, and America versus socialism. Let’s hope that the public will stand ready once again to convict the misguided ideology and its policy disasters.


Bloomberg Announces COVID Donation But It’s Less Than 10% of What He Spent on Failed Election

Western Journal

The former New York City mayor will be donating a grand sum of $40 million to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. Sounds good, doesn’t it? And it is, until you realize that Bloomberg spent around $500 million on his campaign that lasted for a much shorter time than coronavirus will.


CPAC Coronavirus Coverage Exposes Media Bias

Daily Caller

The mainstream media are betraying the trust of the American people with their politicized coverage of the coronavirus outbreak — and the recent efforts to portray the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) as a breeding ground for COVID-19 offers clear proof.


The Media Is Even More Garbage Than Usual


The Chinese Coronavirus Bat Soup Syndrome has taken what’s left of the media’s reputation, poured gasoline on it, then lit it on fire before flattening it with a bulldozer and finally having a Scat Francisco hobo download last night’s free bologna sandwich on the remains.



Trump Could Still Win

The Bulwark

Bill Kristol: The rally ’round the flag effect has a potency that shouldn’t be underrated. In a crisis, Americans have a pronounced tendency to rally to the incumbent president. This often happens even if the crisis is partly the president’s fault or he hasn’t handled it particularly well.


Trump Turns the Tables on the Media on Virus Racism Story


The highly telegenic and alluringly-named Chanel Rion of conservative news outlet One America News Network (OANN) asked the president, “Do you consider the term ‘Chinese food’ racist because it’s food that originates in China or it has Chinese roots?” Score for her, as by that clever line she eviscerated press colleagues in the room who have been pathetically trying to nail the president as a racist because he accurately says the coronavirus began in China.


Trump Moves Beyond Calling the Media Fake News and Calls Them Corrupt News

American Thinker

For Trump, an OAN reporter’s question allowed him to speak the truth about the media. For the media, his words meant another chance to prove him correct.


Will the Costs of a Great Depression Outweigh Risks of Coronavirus?

The Federalist

Federal and state governments are making a massive gamble about a little-understood new virus. They are betting our future on the most extreme worst-case scenario without considering the costs.


Heads Will Roll Over Coronavirus Deception


Regardless of our convoluted situation, the Chinese turned their economic engine back on while the world chokes on a silent wave of their Communist propaganda filtered through think tanks and eventually the mockingbird media, forcing freedom to come to a temporary stand still in the wake of the Chinese stranglehold on the availability of common medicine.


The Trump Administration’s Decisive Actions to Combat the Coronavirus Pandemic

PJ Media

When the World Health Organization was first alerted to the virus, Democrats were in the middle of their impeachment witch hunt, but Trump was taking action immediately to protect Americans. Most of these actions probably went unnoticed because of the media’s and Democrats’ obsession with impeachment.


Coronavirus Has Exposed the Higher Education Establishment Charade

Fox News

Tucker Carlson: An entire nation has just been shown that it’s possible to deliver higher education in an entirely different way. You don’t have to drive to campus, buy textbooks, pay for room and board in order to get an education. You can do the whole thing online.


Trump Is Doing Such a Great Job on Coronavirus Response That Even Ilhan Omar Is Praising Him

Big League Politics

He is bringing Americans together during a time of crisis.


Trump Is Right: It’s China’s Fault

American Conservative

What many Americans don’t understand is that the People’s Republic of China has been running a coordinated propaganda campaign, through its ministers and its ambassadors, to blame the United States for the virus.


Coronavirus Is Just More Fodder for the Chinese Propaganda Campaign

National Review

The media’s obsession with proving Trump is racist because he calls it the ‘Chinese coronavirus’ is perfectly in sync with the Communists’ propaganda effort.


Dems Try to Slip Environmental Schemes in Coronavirus Legislation

Washington Examiner

Congressional Democrats appear poised to slide green energy giveaways into legislation designed to boost the economy while aiding people suffering from the coronavirus pandemic.


Media’s Coronavirus Hysteria Is Not Helping America


The coronavirus and the now collectively tens of thousands of negative, fear-inducing stories being pumped out 24/7 has become the mother of all click-cash-cows for the media. It’s as if these sites have been given a bottomless pit of click-cat-nip and the executives, editors, and reporters can’t stop gorging themselves.


Don’t Let Pols Use Coronavirus to Seize Your Healthcare


Democrats (and alas some Republicans) have threatened to ram medical price controls through in an emergency coronavirus-relief bill. At a time when our healthcare system is so overtaxed that we’ve had to mobilize the Navy to help, the plan is to get the government’s claws into that system more than they already are.


After the Coronavirus, the Media Are Exposed

American Greatness

Sebastian Gorka: After the last two weeks, no reasonable person can conclude that the media is just biased or driven by personal animus to the president. Now it is clear they are willing to exploit human tragedy and a national emergency for their own financial and political profit.


Shelter in Place for Months? Not in the Land of the Free

Pat Buchanan

Will Americans suffer in social isolation, inside their own homes for months, while a state-induced Great Depression washes over the land? My guess is that many will rebel.


The Liberal Media’s Credibility Crashes

Daily Caller

There’s pattern in liberal media coverage of the virus. At first, the virus was not even as close as bad as the flu — nothing to see here folks, move along. From there the new tale was that Trump was overreacting, and his actions would backfire as there was no need for travel restrictions. Then — presto! — He was doing too little, too late.


California’s Dem Governor Orders All Citizens to Stay Home

Todd Starnes

Folks, this is a very disturbing development. We are watching state lawmakers strip away our civil liberties.



Peter Alexander from NBC News Got What Was Coming to Him

Todd Starnes

On Friday NBC News propagandist Peter Alexander goaded Trump into a fight. He literally accused the president of giving Americans false sense hope by misrepresenting the preparedness. He thought he could pick a fight with the president. That turned out to be a very bad mistake. Never tug on Superman’s cape and never take a cheap shot at President Trump.


“Thank God We Have a President Who Knows How to Take Charge”

CNS News

In response to CNN accusing the president of peddling “false hope” against the coronavirus pandemic, Christian leader Franklin Graham noted how President Trump has put America on a “war-time footing” and said, “Thank God we have a Commander in Chief who knows how to take charge and stand with hope in front of dark clouds of despair” on the horizon.


Pandemic May End Sooner Than We Expect

Fox News

There is one thing we know that may bring solace: there will be an end to this pandemic and – if we take advantage of the most promising drug options available today – the end may come sooner than most think.


Top WHO Official Tedros Ghebreyesus Won Election with China’s Help

Daily Caller

Now, Tedros is leading the WHO, an arm of the United Nations, in providing cover for China’s oppressive regime as it attempts to shirk responsibility for the global coronavirus pandemic…He even praised China’s disastrous handling of the pandemic as an example for the rest of the world to follow.


Leftists, Dems Spread Fake News That Rand Paul Has Infected Senate with Coronavirus


Claims that the Senator hung around the gym and the pool despite COVID-19 concerns have been refuted.


The Top 10 Lies About Trump’s Response to Coronavirus

PJ Media

Includes Trump muzzling Dr. Fauci, Trump ignoring early warnings and intel briefings about pandemic and cuts in federal funding to the CDC and NIH.


The People Our Loser Elite Look Down Upon Are Saving Our Bacon


Kurt Schlichter: Here are some people who are useless, especially now: Performance artists, diversity consultants, magic crystal healers, sociology TAs, members of the mainstream media, and gender-unspecified entities who brew kale kombucha. Here are some people who matter, especially now: Soldiers, nurses, truckers, cops, the guy who stocks the shelves at Ralphs, farmers, and that dude rebuilding your roof.


The Wuhan Coronavirus Gives Rise to Hypocrisy

CNS News

The Wuhan Coronavirus has taken fewer than 300 lives in America, yet every week, far more unborn American babies are butchered in their mother’s womb.


Something Is More Important Than Unisex Bathrooms and Climate Change

Community Digital News

The American people are more interested in stopping the spread of the coronavirus outbreak than whether President Trump hurts the delicate feelings of SJWs, snowflakes, socialists and Marxists by accurately labeling just where that virus came from. Stopping the virus is serious. Arguing over its origin to push identity politics and support a totalitarian dictatorship is nonsense.


Coronavirus Revealed Sanitized Politicians, But an Infected Media

American Greatness

Although we have an absolutely poisonous mainstream media, the truth is our politicians, generally speaking, can be counted on when lives are truly in danger. Just be sure to get your information from alternative sources.


Putting America First Will Defeat the Wuhan Virus


When Biden promises a return to normalcy, he’s promising a return to the globalization that built up China and impoverished middle America. And when he blames Trump for the Wuhan virus, he’s doing the work of the Chinese Communist Party, desperate to avoid blame for the plague it unleashed on the world.


Flashback: Obama Went Golfing as the Swine Flu Swept Across the Country and 12,000 Died

The Gateway Pundit

Back in 2009 when the Swine Flu – H1N1 influenza was sweeping across the country Obama went golfing. Funny how the media never brings this up. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that that during the outbreak there were 60.8 million cases in the US, 274,000 hospitalizations, and 12,469 deaths.


How the Coronavirus Changed Trump and America

American Thinker

The coronavirus crisis has not only shaped a better president in Trump, but awakened a sleeping giant: a unified America.


Hannity to Biden: Stop Fundraising Off and Politicizing the Coronavirus

Fox News

Sean Hannity: As the country comes together to battle the COVID-19 pandemic, Joe Biden seems to think that it was all President Trump’s fault.


Coronavirus Exposes Obamacare Failures

American Spectator

Ten years of “reform” has decimated our rural health care safety net.


Media Still Slamming Trump During Coronavirus Crisis

NY Post

The Washington press corps is covering one of the largest, continuing stories in recent history the same way it has covered the Trump administration since Day One. The formula is simple: Whatever the president does is not just wrong, it’s borderline evil. Details at 11.


The World Health Organization Is the Last Entity That Should Be Telling People How to Talk About COVID-19

Washington Examiner

Few entities have behaved worse during the COVID-19 pandemic than the World Health Organization, which has spent the entire crisis covering for the Chinese Communist Party.



Dr. Fauci Wants America to Become a Police State Like China to Stop Coronavirus

Big League Politics

As Americans grow more fearful and desperate because of the coronavirus pandemic, Fauci has emerged as a popular soothsayer to the hapless public. The public increasingly views him as an oracle regarding the virus, and he has played into the role by advocating an increase of authoritarianism at every turn.


Fauci Squandered the Time We Gained by Closing Our Border to China

American Thinker

If Dr. Anthony Fauci and others are the presumed geniuses in this fight, why haven’t they followed models from countries that have been successful in beating back this virus?


Must We Kill the Economy to Kill the Virus?

Pat Buchanan

And if, by government command, America’s free economy is partly shut down as unessential in this medical crisis, the government could be responsible for imposing the conditions that lead to social disorder. At some point, the country is going to have to open up the supply chains and take the risks to let the market work to provide food — or people will engage in panic buying, hoarding and using any means to get what they need for themselves and their families.


Coronavirus May Kill, But So Does Economic Disruption

The Federalist

The stimulus approach fails to address the fundamental causes of the economic downturn, while it balloons the deficit to no good end.


While Americans Worry About Dying from Coronavirus, Dems Focus on Identity Politics

Fox News

Tucker Carlson: In this fearful time, we need altruism. But some members of Congress are focused on saving their own investment portfolios or making stupid partisan points or indulging their creepy ideological obsessions.


Americans Rally Around the Flag During the Coronavirus Pandemic


When faced with a crisis like this one, there is no better way to get through it than leaning on the American flag.


Can Florida Governor DeSantis Bring Some Sanity to Coronavirus Overreaction?

American Greatness

What could DeSantis do to counter the increasingly tyrannical responses enacted by his Democratic counterparts across the country? He could tout how predictions of doom have not materialized in his state despite an influx of likely infected people for at least the past several weeks. Hospital beds are widely available and the state has a contingency plan to use sports stadiums and even hotels as backup triage centers should the situation deteriorate rapidly.


Sex Trade Slowdown and Other Blessings Behind the Fear

CNS News

Rev. Michael Orsi: There’s an element of irony in some of them, such as the slowdown in the sex trade. How long anxiety about contagion will depress patronage of streetwalkers, brothels, and peepshows, no one can say. But we should applaud any improvement in our moral atmosphere, no matter how temporary.


Thanks Owed to Trump for Pushing Coronavirus Trial Medicine


Despite FDA inaction, it’s still quite fair to thank President Donald Trump for initiating a major chloroquine clinical trial that — bureaucratic intransigence notwithstanding — might result in saving thousands if not millions of American lives.


The Boomers Will Sacrifice Themselves on the Beaches of COVID-19

American Conservative

The Boomers are the first wave of COVID-19’s Omaha Beach, flattening the curve so that if and when a second wave of the virus hits, the young can go on living. We will have done our duty and sacrificed for our country. The honor will not be shared. We will have drawn the short straw and the older generation will finally, belatedly, pass from the scene.


Soros Bankrolls Coronavirus Attack Ads Against Trump

Washington Free Beacon

The Democratic Party’s leading super PAC will begin hitting President Donald Trump over coronavirus in four battleground states, using millions from liberal billionaire George Soros. Priorities USA Action—the Democratic Party’s largest super PAC—will spend $6 million this week on advertisements criticizing Trump for his response to the coronavirus pandemic.


Rejoicing Over Coronavirus’ “Green” Benefits Is Misguided

Washington Examiner

There is something macabre about the exultation of these activists and their millions of supporters of this crisis while thousands die, millions are isolated, and millions more are financially ruined amid a major recession. The environmentalists’ claim that “the answer in front of us” is a complete and indefinite lockdown of our everyday life.


WHO Director-General Tedros Was Accused of Covering Up Cholera Epidemic in Africa

Daily Caller

A group of American doctors wrote that Tedros was “fully complicit in the terrible suffering and dying” that stemmed from a cholera outbreak in Sudan…He is now under fire for accepting the communist Chinese government’s spin about its handling of coronavirus, which has killed more than 16,000 people to date.


Leftists Blame Trump After Man Dies Ingesting Toxic Fish Chemical to Prevent Coronavirus


A 60-something man has died and his wife was hospitalized after self-medicating with chloroquine phosphate — a toxic chemical used to clean fish tanks — in a bid to prevent the coronavirus. Predictably, leftists immediately blamed President Trump, who — along with several medical experts — had expressed optimism about chloroquine, an anti-malaria drug which showed a 100% cure rate for the coronavirus in a French study.



An Easter Rebirth for Our Economy? Hallelujah

NY Post

Easter would be nearly a month from the start of the guidelines, making it a unique experiment in national sacrifice and offering sufficient time to judge if there is real progress against the disease. Remember, the goal of the guidelines was to “slow the spread” so the medical community could catch up with testing, treatments and eventually, a vaccine.


Cuomo Rejected Buying 16,000 Ventilators in 2015

The Gateway Pundit

The citizens of New York will pay the price for Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s 2015 decision to not fix a shortfall and buy the recommended 16,000 ventilators to shore up the state’s stockpile in case of a pandemic. Cuomo spent more money than the cost of the ventilators on a solar panel boondoggle.


Democratic Networks Tune Trump Out


It is hard to avoid the conclusion that MSNBC and CNN have cut back on broadcasting the administration’s press conferences because they give viewers a good impression of the administration and thereby hurt the prospects of the Democratic Party, whose interests those networks are dedicated to advancing.


Inaccurate Virus Models Are Panicking Officials into Ill-Advised Lockdowns

The Federalist

How a handful of Democratic activists created alarming, but bogus data sets to scare local and state officials into making rash, economy-killing mandates.


Why Did Hundreds of CEOs Resign Just Before the World Started Going Absolutely Crazy?


In the months prior to the most ferocious stock market crash in history and the eruption of the biggest public health crisis of our generation, we witnessed the biggest exodus of corporate CEOs that we have ever seen. Corporate insiders also sold off billions of dollars worth of shares in their own companies just before the stock market imploded.


Trump Must Continue to Remind America That We Can’t Let the Cure Be Worse Than the Problem

Washington Times

The president has been listening to the right people in and around the White House. America is not a hospital ward. America is a vast country with the most successful economy ever. It is a capitalist economy. From time to time it is hit by unforeseen misfortunes. This time it was hit by an unforeseen virus, but the economy must go on.


In the Face of Pandemic, Let Life Go on

Epoch Times

Few have raised the question of whether all this prevention is worth the economic, social, legal, and civilizational price we are already paying. For a disease that so far has extracted a relatively small death toll, and from which a quarter of those infected have already recovered, why are we reacting as if Covid-19 is the second coming of the Black Death?


The Latest Coronavirus Mutation — New Ways to Hate the Media

PJ Media

As the world has descended into coronavirus panic, the scum masquerading as journalists in this country have been working overtime to plumb new depths of irresponsibility. Rather than accurately share information with a nervous public during a rapidly-growing pandemic, the American MSM has decided that any lack of veracity in the name of discrediting President Trump is justified.


Deborah Birx Brings New Era of Feminine Gravitas

American Thinker

Birx is a graduate of Houghton College, a member institution of the Christian College Consortium (thirteen fine-arts Christian colleges “committed to the centrality of Christ and the full exploration of the meaning and implications of faithful scholarship)…When a woman is finally president, she will be a conservative. In Deborah Birx we have a role model for feminine leadership.


This Crisis Vindicates Trump’s America with Borders

American Greatness

Coronavirus and its awful toll may be ending a second American holiday from history, one in which we entertained boutique notions like a world without borders and all the existential risks that come with it.


Joe Biden Keeps Pushing Misinformation About the Coronavirus

Daily Caller

Biden, the Democratic frontrunner for president, has sought to politically capitalize on the coronavirus pandemic. But on at least five different occasions, Biden and his campaign have spread misinformation about the response to the virus.


Dems Would Funnel Millions of Virus Relief Dollars to Pet Projects

Todd Starnes

Pelosi’s 1,100-page proposal includes $35 million for the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington. The Democrats seem to believe that nothing can lift the American spirit during a global pandemic quite like a Broadway show choir prancing across the stage in spandex and sequins.. But among the biggest beneficiaries of the pandemic’s largesse are the National Endowment of the Arts and PBS, affectionately known as Public Welfare Broadcasting System.


Dems Want to Use Coronavirus Relief Bill to Seize Control of Elections

Washington Examiner

Nancy Pelosi is not going to let this public health crisis go to waste. The house speaker is holding much-needed economic relief hostage to gain for Democrats something they have long yearned for: more federal control over state elections.


College Kids Stuck at Home Because of Pandemic Should Look at This Anti-Socialist Reading List

Campus Reform

Out of concern over the growing number of young people embracing socialism, Dr. Evers at the Independent Institute has curated a list of important anti-socialist reading material.


The Biggest Threats Likely Facing America Once the Coronavirus Passes

Fox News

Tucker Carlson: The middle class could be wiped out by what we’re watching right now. The service industry, middle management, small business, independent contractors — people like those who make this country work and more importantly, they keep it stable. And they are the ones in deepest peril. A lasting hit to the middle class would be a catastrophe for everyone, rich or poor.


Five Trillion Dollars Down the Drain

CNS News

Perhaps if any good comes out of this dismal performance by the political class, it is that we will have more Americans who have learned that, as Ronald Reagan put it, “government is not the solution; government is the problem.”



US Best Prepared Country to Handle Pandemic


A report from the Nuclear Threat Initiative and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in late 2019 ranked the United States at the best-prepared country to handle a pandemic. This news surfaces as Democrats and never Trumpers are criticizing the Trump administration for its handling of the coronavirus pandemic.


Is Coronavirus Less Fatal Than Early Predictions Suggested?

American Thinker

Two Stanford medical professors suggest that current mortality estimates are way too high.


Inaccurate Virus Models Are Panicking Officials into Ill-Advised Lockdowns

The Federalist

How a handful of Democratic activists created alarming, but bogus data sets to scare local and state officials into making rash, economy-killing mandates.


8 Gay Men Arrested for Allegedly Hosting Drug-Fueled Orgy During Virus Lockdown

Big League Politics

The LGBT community does not want to give up degeneracy to stop coronavirus.


Dems’ Relief Bill Focuses on Everything But Helping Americans Now

Epoch Times

Many of the provisions listed are straight social justice propaganda—meant to impress a certain base of voters. Now is not the time to pass a bill like this (or ever, really).


Pelosi Is Trying to Use the Coronavirus Package to Get Ahead on Election Day

Daily Caller

Where the rest of the country sees a crisis and a need to work together as a nation to combat it, Speaker Nancy Pelosi sees a dazzling opportunity to extort extreme policy goals from her colleagues as her toll for allowing safe passage to critical recovery funds to reach American families, workers, and businesses.


Team Trump Has Risen to the Challenge

PJ Media

It is bad news for many people living in Trump-hate enclaves like Portland, Seattle, New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, that the Trump team, both public and private sector, have risen to the challenge and beyond. The decisive actions they are taking and the pioneering proactivity they are exhibiting will likely change the way we confront future microbiological threats to humankind.


Trump Can Defeat Coronavirus, Save Economy and Turn Disaster into American Victory

Fox News

If Trump exhibits cunning and wisdom, then he can balance the consensus of his medical experts that the virus is existentially dangerous with the warnings of his economic advisers that shutting down a multitrillion economy can become even more ruinous — and lethal — for Americans.


The Moralizing Cuomo Brothers

American Spectator

Too bad their sermons about coronavirus deaths don’t extend to unborn children.


Virus Heroes and Zeros


Kurt Schlichter: The list of zeros must begin with the media, as if that’s a shock. If you were expecting anything but garbage from our media, you have not been paying attention for, oh, the last half-century. Like its establishment masters, the press was freaking out because the Democrat candidates were a collection of mutants and nothing they threw at Donald Trump could stop him…


Joe Biden Has a Plan to Fight the “Ebola Virus” (Satire)

American Greatness

Biden: “Folks, I want to begin this by discussing the coron . . . corona . . . coro . . . the response to the coro . . . to the virus. These are confusing times for all of us . . . er . . . for most of us . . . I don’t mean to say that I am confused. No, absolutely not! Some people might be confused, but not me! I remember how we overcame the Hispanic Flu of 1918..”


Virginia’s Governor Has Made It a Crime for More Than 10 People to Attend Church Service

CNS News

Virginians now live in a state where holding a church service attended by 11 people has been unilaterally declared a crime by the governor. The same executive order that creates this church-attending crime also declares that Virginia’s state-owned liquor stores are “essential retail businesses” that “may remain open during their normal business hours.”


Asylum Seekers and Migrants Not Respecting Lockdown


Asylum seekers and migrants in Germany and Italy are not respecting measures to help prevent the spread of the Chinese coronavirus, with some becoming violent when confronted. The mayors of the German towns of Schneeberg and Zschorlau in the Saxony region have both complained to the regional government that asylum seekers at a local asylum home have not been respecting the measures in place to halt the spread of the virus.


How Do We Flatten the Curve on Panic?

Ann Coulter

If the Chinese virus is enormously dangerous to people with certain medical conditions and those over 70, then shutting down the entire country indefinitely is probably a bad idea. But even when the time is right — by Easter, June or the fall — there will be no one to stop the quarantine because the media will continue to hype every coronavirus death, as if these are the only deaths that count and the only deaths that were preventable.


The Economist Runs Chinese Coronavirus Propaganda Disguised as News

Washington Free Beacon

The Economist is running Chinese propaganda from an outlet that is violating U.S. law to spread the message that Chinese president Xi Jinping has done a masterful job handling the coronavirus pandemic. The propaganda advertorials, which are ads designed to look like news stories, come from the Beijing Review, an entity backed by the Chinese Communist Party.



Trump’s Handling of Coronavirus Crisis Shows America What Real Leadership Looks Like

Fox News

Lara Trump: Every American can be confident that the president’s top priority is to keep our families safe and healthy. When we defeat COVID-19 in the United States, our president is the one leader who will ensure that our economy will come roaring back.


Stop Blaming Trump for Coronavirus


When Democrats now scream at Trump for respirators, masks, gowns and other materials we have to ask —why didn’t the Obama administration and Congress order them under their watch?


U.S. Does Not Have Close to the Most Coronavirus Cases When Adjusted for Population

Washington Examiner

When the United States on Thursday overtook the rest of the world in reported cases of the coronavirus, it immediately drew international headlines. While technically true, this is a misleading metric because when those numbers are adjusted for population, the U.S. does not actually have close to the most cases.


The Trump Virus Response Team Inspires National Confidence


Like a general and his staff in wartime, White House coronavirus response team members have become the front line strategic responders to the virus. The president, the vice president, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and Dr. Deborah Birx bring a sense of articulate confident leadership to the country.


Media Peddle Bogus Wuhan Virus Stats to Bash America

The Federalist

Many in the media enthusiastically relish the claim that the United States has more people infected with the coronavirus than China does, even though China’s numbers are unreliable.


Dr. Win-the War vs the Mouse

American Greatness

The Democrats have a presumptive candidate who can hardly utter a coherent sentence in response to a friendly questioner, live-streaming from a little podium in his living room, an absurd, and objectively sad spectacle. The Democratic bosses are sending an infirm and elderly mouse to bell a big, tawny, roaring cat. Anyone can see how it will end.


Leftists Blast Liberty University for Opening Despite Immense Precautions

Big League Politics

Criticizing Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA, for allowing students back on campus is about as absurd as criticizing apartment complexes for not kicking all of their tenets off the property.


Coronavirus Has Biden Making a Fool of Himself

NY Post

Trump, in other words, has utterly eclipsed his would-be rival. And when Biden has been heard from, he has looked frankly pathetic..His public statements this week have been unfocused, error-ridden, full of awkward gaffes. They ran directly contrary to the message that his campaign is trying to convey: that he is battle-tested and ready to handle any crisis.


Millions of Americans Watch Trump’s White House Briefings


Trump’s return to daily White House press briefings during the coronavirus crisis has generated massive ratings…The left has turned Fauci into a resistance hero, despite repeated assertions from the doctor that they are on the same team. Supporters of the president cheer him on as he battles through skeptical journalists who routinely pit themselves against the president.


Pelosi Is the Ring Leader of Dems’ COVID-19 Relief Thievery

Community Digital News

The head dog as this is being written is Nancy Pelosi. She walks up to the taxpayer in all her glorious and cheap facelifts and clunky dentures and pisses on American’s collective leg. Not an easy stance for a bitch but in this day of LBQT etc. she can do it in the full belief she is the alpha-male of the breed.


Railing Against the Fox Virus?


The liberal pack is prosecuting Fox for supposedly shoving Americans off a coronavirus cliff with “misinformation.” Then they equate “misinformation” with the argument that the pandemic gave the liberal media a new rationale to cripple President Trump politically. That’s not “misinformation.“ It’s rock-solid, bank-on-it information.


Can This Pandemic Usher in a New Era?

Pat Buchanan

Trump should go further, turn the tables, and seize this crisis to do what he was elected to do — impose a new foreign policy. Isolate America, not from the world, but from the world’s wars.


The Left Is Loving This

American Thinker

The coronavirus crisis has seen an expansion of government to make any leftist happy.



The Impeachment That Killed America

American Spectator

While all that impeachment obsession was happening, the coronavirus was making its debut.


Trump Has Done the Right Things to Combat Coronavirus from Day One


If we do prevail rapidly, it will be due entirely to President Trump’s ability to overcome the institutional handicaps left for him to overcome.


Coronavirus Shutdown Achieves Democratic Utopia of Universal Government Dependence

Daily Caller

In one fell swoop, governments have – on the basis of frightening and at least partially retracted scenarios – sucked the life and much wealth out of a vibrant economy and society, not just decimating markets but shutting down stores, restaurants, gyms and other gathering places.


Woke Stupidity Is Spreading as Fast as the Pandemic

NY Post

Women’s-rights advocates are insisting that women are the real victims, people of color think the pandemic is targeting people of color and gay people think the virus proves Trump’s a homophobe.


“We Don’t Have the $2 Trillion to Be Giving Away”

Rush LImbaugh

I’m not objecting to doing it, don’t misunderstand…It’s imperative that we have somebody like Donald Trump, who is outside the establishment expert class, who has a history of solving problems, to actually lead the country through this.


In Late February, Pelosi Encouraged Large Groups to Congregate in Chinatown


A video clip from late February shows Nancy Pelosi encouraging large groups of people to congregate in San Francisco’s Chinatown before she would later go on to blame President Trump’s early “denial” for the spread of coronavirus.


Trump on Target with Facts and Help During the Coronavirus Crisis

Washington Times

What the public sees on TV is the administration mobilizing federal, state and local governments, the entrepreneurial class and a brilliant selection of epidemiologists and virologists to find solutions to this dread disease.


Getting America Back to Work Must Come Sooner, Not Later


The virus poses decidedly less risk and disability to younger working populations who are most essential to America’s economic recovery and restoration of social lifestyle normalcy.


Trump Slams PBS Lefty Yamiche Alcindor


The White House Coronavirus Task Force was back Sunday with a briefing and, after a lull, the fireworks also returned as President Trump tussled with multiple reporters, most notably another throwdown with PBS NewsHour White House correspondent Yamiche Alcindor.


Reaction to Alcindor-Trump Dust-Up Shows Why Media Approval Ratings Are Low

The Federalist

Her peers rushed to defend her, but Alcindor has a track record of partisan commentary and unnecessarily hostile and silly questions.


Hillary’s Toxic Coronavirus Commentary Uses Dead Americans as a Political Weapon

Washington Examiner

Clinton took what ought to be an apolitical national crisis and exploited it to attack Trump.


Real Virus Death Toll in Wuhan Could Be 12 Times Official Figure

Epoch Times

Information provided by residents in China’s virus epicenter of Wuhan indicates that the real death toll there could be over 32,000, which is 12.7 times the official figure.


Some Liberty University Students Back on Campus Praise Decision to Reopen

The College Fix

In interviews with The College Fix,, several students back on campus said the picture painted by the mainstream media that the university is open for business as usual is largely fake news…What’s more, they said, health and safety guidelines about social distancing and other protective measures are being fully enforced…They also said they feel safe.


Hydroxychloroquine: Help Is on the Way


The Democrats, the media, and people who despise the president don’t want these trials to succeed. Three Democrat governors have gone so far as to ban the use of the drug cocktail. And one has even threatened action against doctors who prescribe it…It appears that the President cares more about their constituents in their states than their own governors do.


Important Lessons from the CCP Virus


For one, it has laid bare our dangerous dependency on China for the essentials of life. By now, most of us are familiar with the shocking statistics: 90+% of antibiotics and commonly used lifesaving medicines are made in China.



Stop Lying to Us and Tell the Truth About the Shortage of Medical Masks

Fox News

Tucker Carlson: The government has told us dumb lies about the medical mask shortage from the start of the coronavirus outbreak…But stop lying to us. It makes us cynical. It divides the country. Tell the truth. We can handle it.


Trump Should Cut the Drama and Pettiness Out of His Coronavirus Response

Washington Examiner

This is a time for the president to be rising above the fray and to be calling for national unity. He should be focusing press briefings on informing the public about the response to the coronavirus. Which brings up another point: on Sunday, Trump fired off a series of tweets boasting about the great ratings for his press briefings. It is just absolutely bizarre for the president, in the midst of a pandemic that has already claimed thousands of lives, to be boasting about TV ratings for what should be informational public health briefings.


Trump Takes Charge on Coronavirus


Conrad Black: No one can say he has not moved swiftly and decisively to increase testing ability, distribute possible ameliorative medication, raise the country’s supply of ventilators and distribute them fairly, and increase hospital capacity.


Trump Is a Man of Intellectual Dexterity

Washington Free Beacon

Contrary to the impression one forms…over the past four years, we are quite certain President Trump is not accorded sufficient credit where he is generally found most wanting, particularly by his media critics: on matters of reason and judgment. The coronavirus crisis that now consumes his administration has shown the president to be a man of some courage and intellectual dexterity.


Here’s Why Trump Has the Highest Approval Rating of His Presidency

CNS News

The American public notices that Trump and his team are very transparent, reporting to the public and answering questions every day concerning the crisis and related policy issues. Therefore, when the media engages in unbridled criticism and acts like a knee-jerk opposition party, people are not so easily fooled.


Defeating Coronavirus Means That We Must All Rally Around Trump

Community Digital News

Trust that the president has the best people around him for defeating coronavirus. President Trump does and will listen to these experts. Trust that his lifetime of experience in the business world will help him make sound decisions.


How Covid-19 Hands Trump 2020


Oh, mainstream media. When will you learn? The more you try to destroy President Trump, the stronger he becomes.


Cuomo Manages a Failed State

Rush Limbaugh

Cuomo does not have a prayer outside of New York.


Is the Pandemic Killing Biden’s Bid?

Pat Buchanan

For Biden to win this election, Trump must lose it. And the one way Trump can lose it is the perception on the part of a majority of Americans that he has proven an ineffectual president in America’s worst pandemic since the Spanish flu of 1918. If Trump is seen as


Trump Nukes CNN’s Acosta for “Nasty, Snarky Question”


On Monday, CNN chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta stepped back in the ring for Monday’s White House Coronavirus Task Force daily briefing and, as usual, he made a fool out of himself. Fortunately for our collective sanity, the ordeal lasted less than two minutes and ended with President Trump torching Fake News Jim.


Governors Are Blocking Doctors’ Attempts to Save Lives


While people’s lives and jobs are being devastated by the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), and there has been no FDA-approved outpatient treatment, governors in Nevada, Michigan, New York and Texas are issuing emergency orders to restrict which medications doctors can use to save lives.


Will the Second Amendment Survive Coronavirus?

National Review

The panic comes at a time when many police departments have curtailed arrests and are releasing certain criminals from prison. This is exactly the type of situation that the Second Amendment is meant to address…Yet many public officials insist on flaunting the Second Amendment, ordering gun shops closed or banning firearm sales.


Wuhan Coronavirus Must Be Our Sputnik Moment with China

American Greatness

Sebastian Gorka: Now will we take the threat China poses seriously?


Rather Than Complaining About Toilet Paper, Americans Should Marvel at the Business Supply Chain

Washington Times

It is silly for people in media (or House Speaker Nancy Pelosi), most of whom have never managed anything, let alone something as complex as a hospital, to blame Trump for a shortage of face masks and ventilators. It is the job of hospital administrations, and, in the case of public hospitals, local mayors, governors and their public health officials to determine optimum levels of things that may be needed.


DC Arts Center Cons Taxpayers After Getting Virus Aid

Western Journal

The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts is setting a new standard for petty greed. The organization somehow managed to get Democrats to give it $25 million worth of funding in the coronavirus stimulus bill. And then, on the same day it got its windfall, the Center informed the performers in the National Symphony Orchestra that they will no longer be getting paid.


China Markets Reopen Selling Bats, Dogs and Cats

Daily Caller

China ordered that its wet-markets be shut down in January, after facts emerged suggesting that coronavirus was first transmitted to humans via bats and other live animals sold in the often filthy places of commerce. However, now that China says it’s beaten the virus, the markets seem to have resumed business as usual.